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r/furry_irl is a public forum with a wide variety of users with different tastes.Users who break this rule may have their comment(s) removed with a warning or ban. Name-calling, ad-hominem, demeaning, inflammatory, or other uncivil comments directed at other users are not allowed.Please note that the Reddit sitewide guidelines on self-promotion still apply.Please contact us, so we can discuss the best way to do it per the Reddit sitewide and subreddit rules.If you want to do a promotion in the subreddit We rely on user reports and feedback from artists to enforce this. Reddit is a public forum the moderation team can’t keep an eye on every piece of artwork posted to ensure they have gotten proper permission from the artists to be rehosted and modified.And found your work posted here without your permission, please contact us, so we can help you remove it.You can still comment on the sub to get that 20 karma! You need at least 20 karma before you can post a submission. You need to be at least 3 days old to post a submission or comment. Click here to view our full rules on the wiki Posting requirements

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